Unit 1

Outcome 1:
Plan, select and use appropriate IT systems and software to meet needs.

[Reading time: 5m 41s]

1.1: Describing the purpose of IT in modern business.

In today's modern society the ubiquitous nature of technology has become deeply apparent for all. There is no escaping the need for full immersion into an I.T. driven business if you want success in 2020. From the ground up a digital presence can offer a business the opportunity for greater growth and customer satisfaction. Increasing contact points, accessibility for all, automation, tracking, reduction of physical assets reducing carbon footprint, direct sales, networking, creating a community, building a firm brand identity which creates stronger brand loyalty and sense of belonging; to name a few.

For business within 2020 I.T. should serve the purpose of building the backbone of the company. For example, a freelance web developer could build their portfolio website using Vscode, HTML/CSS/Javascript/Node.js etc, use Pinterest to research inspirations and create a board to show this, using Sketch to create wireframes for UI flow, have a Linkedin profile for networking and job sourcing purposes or a senses of community with the field, use an API to link up email and contact services, perhaps send out a monthly create a mailing list, and yse Google drive to has access to all work from from cloud on any device, etc.

1.2: Describing methods, skills and resources needed to complete digital projects successfully.

To ensure a project is successful in its completion, it's all about staying ahead of the game with your time and project management. If you can predict outcomes, by working to this schedule, it is easier to produce a project which fulfils the brief. Each person will have a different set of key skills which they can bring to to the table, however some important ones to aim for are:

- Knowledge: On the topic at hand.
- Confidence: In your capabilities.
- Organisation: Project management.
- Efficiency: Time management.
- Decision making: Being decisive.
- Creativity: Ability the think freely and express yourself.

Along with personal skills, it is of importance to have the right software/applications/programmes/hardware/internet, so that you can get the job done. For example building a website you would need knowledge in HTML/CSS, Vscode, Github, Trello, Slack, Google, Pinterest, wireframes, colour theory, UI, UX, project management, Grammarly or Word or Pages, etc.

1.3: Plan and carry out tasks using IT – e.g. making your website.

I will plan out my project using Trello (link to board in to right hand corner) and the Kanban method to track all necessary elements. Using a label system to highlight what is classified as written work, project management, HTML, CSS, Python. I will add in the description for each card, a checklist to work through to completion whilst it is within the doing list, and any attachments which have been used or will aid the process.

Stage 1: Research

I will keep track of all steps with my Trello board using the Kanban method, using checklists for each unit and stage of the project. Design: Using Pinterest I will create a board of website design inspirations/colour palettes/font combinations. I will sketch out initial ideas for the layout, then create wireframes from this using the MockFlow WireframePro Power-up within Trello, to ensure good UI flow and UX within the website. Learning: I will use a search engine to learn more about the way to add an extra creative flair to my website using code.

Stage 2: Preparation

Written section: I will write out all written work using the Grammarly app to ensure no spelling or grammar mistakes, and all the website copy is finalised before adding to the site. Images: I will select and adjust any images I wish to add to the website, including any links to creators work if online assets are used off Upsplash or any other asset site. Colour palette: I will select a colour palette based on my previous research.

Stage 3: Creation

HTML: I will create the backbone of the website in HTML, including all copy, images, videos, links etc. CSS: Using CSS I will create the aesthetic for the website, making sure to utilise the wireframes create earlier to maximise UX (User Experience) flow and user satisfaction.

Stage 4: Testing

Running tests: I will run some user testing to ensure all buttons, links and general use of the website is correct showing no errors or glitches.

1.4: Describe the risks that might impact digital projects.

When producing a digital project it is beneficial to consider any possible setbacks you could face along the way, unique to the digital experience.

- Software failures: Resulting in the loss of work, you could combat this by saving work in the cloud as a duplicate.

- Accessible internet: Can you get online? Without internet access, you may not be able to use the software or applications you need to create the digital project or get it back off the cloud.

- Hardware issues: Laptop or computer breakage, preventing a person from continuing with their work or downloading the files.

- Malware or viruses: Invasion of your digital space by these could cause several issues with your system, or result in leaked work to competitors.

1.5: Describe how you would go about selecting and using IT systems and software.

Selecting the correct software and IT systems for the job would be dependent on the job at hand. For example, a Graphic Designer:

- Trello: To track the project and communicate with other team members.
- Adobe Suite: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, After Effects, Fonts etc.. To create any design work.
- HTML/CSS: For any web design or email mailing list creation.
- Vscode: To write any code.
- iCal or Google Calendar: To keep track of deadlines and organise time.
- Pinterest: For brainstorming ideas, inspirations, trends, and board making.
- Google Chrome: An internet browser to access the internet.
- Squarespace or Wix: As a simplistic platform for making websites easily useable and maintainable by clients.
- Slack: To communicate with other team members.

1.6: Describe and provide analysis on how your chosen technologies have helped you achieve your outcomes.

Trello has been extremely effective at visualising a project in an easily digestible way. Especially using the Kanban method, so that you can track the progress of each stage seamlessly. Whilst coding linking this up to a Github account, using version control to only allow edits to a branch whilst in the initial building process. Version control ensures only checked code is pulled to the master branch, preventing bugs and errors. If you are working within a team it also allows a senior developer to access your pushed code within your Github and check over it before pulling to the master. These two forms, tracking progress and how the code is built, allow for the project to come together bit by bit, amassing up to the whole. Without this staging, the project could be faced with easily preventable challenges which have a knock-on effect with timing and deadlines.

1.7: Describe legal guidelines and constraints that impact digital projects.

We now live in a data-driven age, so with this, it seems only natural that legislation would be brought in place to ensure the safe use of that important data. In May 2018 the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was brought into effect, to support this new need.

"GDPR legislation around data privacy and protection was adopted in April 2016 - and will officially be enforced from 25th May 2018, building on the 1995 data protection directive and modernising data regulation to reflect how businesses use and collect data today."

"Essentially, GDPR is about standardising (currently mixed) EU data directives, to provide best practice regulations on data handling and compliance. Designed to strengthen then individual’s rights and create better transparency and control, it will ensure web users are aware of (and can control) the personal data they share with companies."

"6 top-level areas that GDPR covers are:
- Right to access: Under GDPR, data controllers (companies that hold personal data) must be able to provide (for free) a copy of an individual’s data if requested. Individuals may find out what personal data of theirs is being processed, where and why.
- Right to erasure: The ‘right to be forgotten’ allows individuals to request that a data controller deletes their personal data; preventing them and related third parties from accessing or processing their information.
- Data portability: Under GDPR, individuals will be able to request access to their data ‘in an electronic format’, which they can transfer to another data controller (such as when switching service providers).
- Data breach notification: This means customers and data controllers must be notified of data breaches (leaks, hacks, or lost data - such as information on a lost USB stick) within 72 hours.
- Privacy by design: Data compliance and data protection must now be considered from the start when designing new systems. Organisational and technical processes must be considered to ensure personal data is secure and that only data that is ‘absolutely necessary for the completion of duties’ is held.
- Data protection officers: Public companies, or companies whose main activities involve data processing and monitoring will now need to appoint a data protection officer rather than notifying local Data Protection Authorities of their activities."

Reference: Strategic-IC


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