Unit 1
Outcome 2:
Review and adapt the
ongoing use of IT tools
and systems to make
sure that activities are
[Reading time: 2m 20s]
2.1: Review the ongoing use of IT tools and change approach as needed – in making your own website, are you happy with the tools you used?
To make my website the tools I used were - Vscode, Trello, Pinterest, WireframesPro, Slack, Grammarly, Github Desktop, Github. I found them each to be valuable in various stages of the project. They each helped me to better produce the website outcome I desired, and to track each stage of the project. Yes I am happy with the tools I used, but would always but interested in adding more.
2.2: Describe whether the IT tools selected were appropriate.
I feel the tools used (listed above) were appropriate for this project as they allowed for a high level of project management to be achieved, good communication between peers and teachers, clear concise copy, and efficient version control which minimised potential losses of work or bugs.
2.3: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your final project.
Overall I am pleased with my final project. Given it is the first full website I have ever made, I feel it came out look modern and minimal. It takes into account a satisfying aesthetic and doesn't over complicate the UI.
- A clean, minimal aesthetic
- Good easily understandable UI/UX
- A bright colour palette, which accents contact points
- A nice choice of fonts and use of hierarchy
- Whimsical with the homepage layout
- Click through links to all social media, utilised in a secondary nav
- Simplistic design: it could have been a more structured layout. I still need to learn more about flex/flexbox/relative/absolute/positioning etc. So that I can probably utilise making the website responsive and dynamic.
- Not fully responsive: the site works well at bigger sizes. I realised halfway through that I should have designed the website for mobile devices and then scaled up using media queries.
- My knowledge of CSS: having only a beginners knowledge of CSS and the timeframe given for the project meant that I was restricted on how good the outcome could be.
- Footer: I wasn't able to figure out how to get the footer to stay at the very bottom of the page with messing up the rest of my code. The outcome is a sticky version fixed to the bottom of the screen, which meant I had to create some hidden div's to allow for extra room around the content.
2.4: Describe further improvements you can make to your project.
Further improvements I would like to make:
- Get the portfolio page set up and live.
- Learn how to create a fixed background with the content stuck in place, instead of free scrolling.
- I would like to add parallax to the site: To make it more dynamic and to mimic relative human interaction.
- Better utilisation of Trello: Whilst I did use the platform it is yet to become a natural process for me. I am more use to drawing things out or writing with a pen onto paper, than using a board system. I do see the benefits though and would like to properly assimilate it into my project management so it becomes second nature.
- Time management: Due to some personal issues with my dog I wasn't able to fully keep to the schedule I had set myself. In future, I would produce a project like this on a longer time frame, than just five days.
- More accessible: I would have liked to of better used the 'alt' tag to ensure my website was fully accessible to people with disabilities. Whilst I considered this in the design itself, I missed this utilisation throughout the website outside of images.
2.5: Review outcomes to make sure they match requirements and are fit for purpose.
The outcome was to create a website with an about section explaining my interests in technology. Taking on the role of a consultant, answering a series of questions about the project itself and website, detailing about the part technology plays within a business and the success of this project. Along with ensuring that the design and overall flow or aesthetics of the website make it easier for the user to navigate and enjoy the website.
I feel I have matched the requirements and the website is fit for purpose.